Our Dumpster Sizes

We offer a variety of dumpster sizes to meet your needs. If you don't require a full sized dumpster we also offer full service junk and trash removal that may be more convenient.

10 Cubic Yard
10' Long x 8' Wide x 4' Tall

12 Cubic Yard
12' Long x 8' Wide x 4' Tall

14 Cubic Yard
13' Long x 8' Wide x 4' Tall

18 Cubic Yard
14' Long x 8' Wide x 5' Tall

20 Cubic Yard
15' Long X 8' Wide X 5' Tall

30 Cubic Yard
20' Long x 8' Wide x 6' Tall

Atlanta, GA Dumpster Rental Sizes

Dumpster Rental Atlanta Area

We have all the sizes you need

JunkGone.com provides dumpsters for both residential and commercial customers. We can handle everything from the clean-up of a storage unit to the demolition of an apartment complex.


Easy load rear doors on all of our dumpsters

All of our roll-off dumpsters have easy to use rear doors that open up so you can walk your items right into the dumpster. This allows you to avoid having to lift heavy items over the walls of the dumpster.

Truly affordable pricing

Our dumpster rentals start as low as $225. We're family owned and operated and we do are best to keep our prices down below our competitors. Call us today for a great price on a dumpster rental!


Exceptionally fast service

We often can accommodate your dumpster rental the same or next day. Tell us how fast you need it and we'll tell you how fast we can get it delivered for you!