Save Money - Avoid Dumpster Bags!

Do not fall for the Dumpster Bag Trick! Let us save you money OR get rid of 3-4 times the amount of material for THE SAME COST OR LESS!

You would to pay up to $600-$700 In DumpstersBag fees for the same amount we can get rid of for you in a 10 yard dumpster for $225! That is a savings of up to $475!

Option A:
If you have more than 3 Cubic Yards of material, we can rent you a 10 Cubic Yard Dumpster that is more than 3 times the size for as low as $225!

Option B:
If you only have 3 cubic yards of material, WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY & DO THE LIFTING & LOADING. Our Junk Removal service starts at just $50.00!

Dumpster bags are not as easy as it seems

  • There is no easy-to-use, back door that you can open and walk items in like you can with our dumpsters.
  • Have to deal with a flailing, light bag material as you try to load you waste material into it.
  • Worry about ripping the Dumpster Bag, which will set you back another $40!
  • Make sure the bag is close to the road, or else they cannot pick it up. This makes you have to lug everything out close to the road, this could double or trip the amount of work it takes.

Dumpster bags can only hold 3 cubic yards of material! That is about the size of your average pick-up truck load! For up to $200-$250 after disposal! No wonder they can sponsor PGA tournaments! Using a dumpster bag can cost you big money in the end, it could cost you up to $200-$250! You have to go out to the store to even buy a bag for $30-$40, then you may have to wait up to a week or more to get it removed!

Call us at 770-972-1811 and let us help you figure out which option works better for you! Remember, it is always completely free to have someone come take a look at what you are needing to get rid of! 100% Free with no obligation whatsoever.